Thursday, May 29, 2008

Purity and Setting Captives Free

The following comment was posted on May 26

I want to thank the priest who wrote about the setting captives free site and also shared that he too has struggled with sexual sin. It is a shame based sin which one often has difficulty discussing and also often rationalize this sin because of years of habit or because solitary sin is many times interpreted as having lesser importance in seeking to lead a life of purity. Also our society minimizes these actions as being normal and expected in the life of a man. I remember once when I went to the sacrament of reconciliation and the priest shared that men in the cloister also struggle with sexual issues. This took me by surprise but also gave me courage to continue on my own struggles. Thank you for creating this site.

You're welcome! Glad you like it. I said I would stop by the '' website - and so I did. It looks like a great effort. It is not just for sexual purity, but varous kinds of sins of excess. Does anyone know of a Roman Catholic equivalent to this site that we can recommend as well? I still have not heard back from my friend in Tulsa about his efforts in this ministry.
It obviously helped the priest who sent his comment - so it must be a good effort as it produced good fruit for him. I just want to alert any readers who choose to make use of this site that it looks to me like a non-denominational effort. Hopefully this group is a true friend of Roman Catholics and does not taint the basic Gospel message with the 'Whore of Babylon' insanity. Perhaps the priest who posted about will have some thoughts... All for now - as usual I will post as time allows. MJP

Friday, May 23, 2008

Purity Ball

Another comment was posted regarding purity. How did I know this would get you men typing? Remember, keep it anonymous! On the last comment to be posted, BigDaddyAZ signed his name - so, though I did not allow his comment to post, BigDaddyAZ had a very great story to share about a group in Colorado who has begun what is called a Father-Daughter Ball - where the MAN promises to live a life of purity and integrity in order to "war for" the heart of his daughter. I might be messing up the wording - so go read it for yourself by clicking below:
Father-Daughter Purity Ball

Here is their opening text - written by a daughter who attended a Father-Daughter Ball:

"As all the dads stood to read the covenent over their daughters, I felt the power of those words sink right into my heart. My father promised to lead a life of integrety and purity for me. He signed his name and I signed as a witness to his words. And as he escorted me to the dance floor I felt empowered by his promise to war for my heart through his life of purity, and I knew my life would never be the same again..."

Okay men if that doesn't challenge you to live what you believe, God help you.

If there is not a similar Father-Son Campfire Event - I hope one of you men will start one. Our sons need to know we stand behind them as fathers who lay down their lives for the sake of their sons as well. How can we NOT cover our sons with this same protection? For the sake of those who do not know how to read comments posted, here is one I did not want you to miss! This comment was also posted last week.

I am a Roman Catholic priest and to the men who confess to sexual sin of any kind - addictive or not I give the following penance: Go to "" and work the sexual purity program. This program is anonymous and gives new meaning to the word 'repentance' for those who sign up. The approach rescues those men who feel resigned to sexual sin because their habits span many many years. There IS hope! I share this with the readers of this blog in hopes of helping. It not only helped me; it saved my vocation the priesthood.

God bless you Padre - THANK YOU for a comment that will undoubtedly help many men - husbands, fathers, priests, and some bishops. We have learned that EVERY man deals with sexual temptation at some season in his life. Isn't there a book called "Every Man's Battle"? If anyone has checked into this program - feel free to share your story. I will visit the website, too.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sexual Purity

Here is a comment to an earlier posting called Sexual Integrity. Here is what someone from Colorado wrote:

I was 13 when I found my dads magazines. It began my 'lust' addiction. Addiction to porn and acting out so far has cost me my job and family. I still crave it and hate it. Wish I could have talked to my dad about it but it was too much for me at that age and thought I'd get in big trouble for snooping. Over 50 from Colorado

I cannot imagine what it did to your understanding of manhood to think that these magazines belonged to your father! God bless you and help you recover. I sent an email to a friend in Tulsa who has a ministry toward those who suffer addiction to pornography. I will post when I hear back from him. Meanwhile, anyone out there who comes across websites that help men in this area - post it in a comment. And not just websites! Give your advice! Stay tuned men, and all you online TEENS - YOU stay tuned, too!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

What would they write?

After you are laid to rest, what would your family members write about the kind of man you were? What are you living for? Life is really worth living only if you believe in a truth enough to die for it.

What is your 'message'? The Gospel of Jesus or your very strong opinion? I snapped this photo yesterday and wondered what kind of life these men lead. Good to ponder once in a while...

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Sexual Integrity

Sexual integrity is a 'must' in order to be growing into or living out our authentic manhood.

Purity. Not pretending. Real. Intentional.

When a guy makes the decision to rid his life of every external opportunity to incite or feed lust and the sinful behaviors that follow it - he is beginning to take some of the most important strides toward becoming a real man. Teens! You listening here? I KNOW it is amazing to learn about how your bodies work at your age - I remember. But do not allow self-understanding to become a habit of self-gratification. Yes, I know how at your school they may be encouraging such behavior but those who teach such things are 99.9% of the time trying real heard to justify their own habitual sexual sin. Don't buy the lie!

Be pure. Become the men God created you to be. Your future wives will thank those of you called to HOLY MATRIMONY. (Now THERE"S a semester course!) Your future parishioners will thank those of you called to be HOLY Priests. Be pure. It is possible. It is. Do not drink the sweet poison of what the world falsely refers to as 'soft porn'. Yeah, sure, I guess one side of the knife is soft and smooth - like polished steel - but what kills is what is hidden below.

I would be pleasantly surprised to have an actual anonymous conversation with a few hundred of you out there on this subject.
As always - do so without giving your name. If you cannot seem to figure out how to post an anonymous comment - then send an actual letter - you KNOW that would be annonymous! Care of Holy Family P.O. BOX 30414 Edmond, OK 73003