Monday, December 8, 2008

Flood of Grace

Dear God, please cause a flood of grace to revive those men who have given up one way or another on trying to live a life of holiness.

Here's a picture from our visit to Niagara Falls earlier this year. No wonder our boys want to keep traveling (see and the 'Along the Way' blog) We're starting our third year on the road full-time.

Along the way I have handed out hundreds and hundreds of cards inviting men to visit this site and pass along some wisdom. You new-comers, just read the side bar for specifics and feel free to add ANYTHING that comes to mind. If I think it will help stir a conversation - I'll let it post; if not, I won't. Simple.

After the concert tonight a woman shared how her young son had opened a door for a girl and that same young girl gave him trouble for doing so... His response was, 'But that's what my Dad does for my Mom...'

Good for you young man. You keep opening doors for young ladies and endure any rude remarks that may come. It'll make you tougher in a good way. Go ahead; be respectful anyway. You're growing the heart of a man. This world needs more men like the one you are growing to be.

Got to meet with a few friends here in Arizona last Saturday. Good men. Prayerful men. They are simply about the conversion of their hearts. That fills me and challenges me. I am most impressed with those who do not try to impress. Braggers are bores and over-hyper machismo is nothing but a blaring scream for help. Arrogance is evidence of insecurity and genuine humility rocks.

I've got to work on the humility part. Most who know me recall my saying 'God humbles me and I become proud of my humility.'
Well it is a day by day thing. Did I already type the sign on the door of a priest I knew years ago: Humility is not thinking less of yourself; Humility is thinking of yourself... less.

My goal this week is to post more thoughts from the e-mail with advice from 71 year old Dave.
Okay, I'm falling asleep at the computer!
I gotta sign off for now - if anything sounds goofy - blame it on the hour...
I posted some Advent reflections at the Holy Family website.

God bless you and thank you stopping by....
Good night!

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