Monday, September 29, 2008

Finding Your Way

Most men I talk with - when they were young guys they were patted on the back and wished 'Good Luck' son - now go be a man. As if part of becoming a man is figuring it out on your own. Problem with that is these days 'sonny' isn't out working in the field with Dad and Grandpa and Uncle Jim. So what does he see? Video games? What does he google? God help us. Any Dad's, Grandpa's, or uncles out there feel free to give advice for the young men-to-be who happen across this page.

Mine for today is this: Finding your own way means watching the examples of the men in your family and seeing what does and doesn't work. Don't waste a single minute punishing those who were not there for you as you might have hoped. Get over it. Become a man by forgiving and by looking for the good in some of the worst situations.

More later. Gotta go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Last week my 12-year old son came home from football practice and said one of the coaches said something that made him uncomfortable.

Apparently the coach (who I don't really like because all he does is yells at the kids) was telling the players (11 & 12 year-olds) to "rest up on Friday nights, don't stay up late watching television, playing videos games and looking at porn on the Internet...{insert laughter}."

Idiot coach.

Can you believe it?!! He said this to a bunch of kids.

Needless to say, it provided another opportunity for me to talk to my son about "uncomfortable" things. He's such a good kid.

Love the blog. Keep up the good work.
