Saturday, January 12, 2008

"Anonymous" from the Bible Belt

For the sake of those who have a hard time getting to the comments section, I will begin posting some of them here. This comment is from "anonymous" and was added to my first post.
"Anonymous" wrote:

I'm closer to 60 than 50 and was born and raised in a small town in the "Bible Belt" of eastern Kansas.

My Dad never had the "talk" with me, and truth be known I most likely wouldn't have listened any way.

In our house Dad deferred most decissions by saying "go ask your mother". This really didn't work very well for me on this particular topic. When pressing Dad with a question the typical response was an emphatic "DON'T YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT IT".

After getting this response multiple times I was sure Dad just didn't know the answer. When I asked my brother (2 years older) the response was more along the lines of "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU PERVERT!!" Still I couldn't bring myself to ask Mom.

Thought I'd get some straight answers in junior high health class. This turned out to be more about the "mechanics" of the act which by this time I had pretty much discovered by and with myself. The questions I had remained unanswered due in large part to my reluctance to ask Ms. Faulkner who was then about the age I am now.

I'm not sure how I wish I had learned. The hardest lesson I learned was that women are not toys for my personal pleasure.

Thankfully I didn't become a father until my wife informed me I was ready. Thankfully too, had my daughter come to me with her questions on the topic I would have informed her to "go ask you mother" because I'd have no idea how to answer.

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